Multi-unit housing
People living in apartment complexes and dormitories may encounter heavier pest infestations and hard-to-control pests like bed bugs. An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach that includes proper sanitation techniques, maintenance and chemical control can help keep pests under control and protect you from potential liability issues.
What type of product are you looking for?
Quarterly Outdoor Perimeter Spray

Demand® CS insecticide can provide immediate and residual control of insects for up to three months, making it an ideal choice for your quarterly service routes.
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Monthly or Bi-monthly Outdoor Perimeter Spray

For your monthly or bi-monthly services, use non-repellent Optigard® Flex liquid insecticide to make targeted applications as a spray, or use it in conjunction with an ant or cockroach bait.
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Indoor/outdoor Crack-and-crevice or Spot Treatment

Demand® CS insecticide is labeled to control more than 30 pests that may be lurking around apartments, such as ants, cockroaches, spiders and flies.
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With a unique active ingredient in the cockroach market, emamectin benzoate, Optigard® Cockroach Gel Bait controls cockroaches at two different target sites for faster-acting control compared to other avermectin baits.
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